Nowadays, people more prefer for convenient food which are healthy and has minimal-processing method with natural flavor and taste. They are also preferred to buy food products with extended shelf-life. Therefore, to accomplish all these expectation of people without compromising safety, alternative not-thermal preservation technologies which is high pressure processing (HPP) is investigated. (Yordanov & Angelova, 2010) studied on the food processing using high pressure processing (HPP) and stated that HPP is a technique that not required heat to preserve food where can inactivate the vegetative microorganisms effectively. Carried out with extreme pressure of 100-1000MPA without any heat involved, the food is preserved with minimal effect on taste, texture and nutritional features. (Yordanov & Angelova, 2010) found that microbial growth is minimized under the high pressure treatment, depending on type and number of microorganism, magnitude and duration of high pressure. The cells that live on exponential phase is more sensitive to the pressure treatment than log and stationary phase of growth of cells. This is because as the cell metabolism in log and stationary phase of growth of cells is slowed down due to accumulation of cell components, thus this is reducing the effect of high pressure. (Yordanov & Angelova, 2010) also stated that (Hugas, Garriga, & Monfort, 2002) found out at pressure of 600MPA with temperature of 20oC for 18 seconds to treat meats, the preserved meat has no changes in sensory qualities and refrigerated shelf-life is extended. The Listeria monocytogenes in the meat products was reduced.
The high pressure treatment also carried out on fresh sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by (Alpas, 2014). This study was to observe the effect on physiochemical characteristics of fresh sea bass after treated with HPP. (Alpas, 2014) treated the fresh bass with high pressure of 220-330MPA, 5 and 10 minutes of holding time with temperature of 3, 7, 15 and 25oC He found out that HPP done the changes on color on the preserved sea bass. The changes of the color was due to the denaturation of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins. He also found that the best quality of preserved sea bass is at 200MPA, 25oC for 5 minutes as pressure <400MPA resulted in a little lipid oxidation that cause by the color loss in fish product due to highly unsaturated carotenoids were degraded to become pigments in fish products. The examples of highly unsaturated carotenoids are astaxanthin.
HPP is not just experimented on meat and fish products, also on drinks. (Yin-Hsuan Chang, Sz-Jie Wu, Bang-Yuan Chen, Hsiao-Wen Huang, 2017) carried a study to investigate the microbial levels, physiochemical and antioxidant properties on white grape after treated with HPP. In the study, they found out that HPP technology is helps to inactivate enzymes such is polyphenoloxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POD), and pectine methylesterase (PME) activity in juices. They also found out that HPP treatment decreased the aerobic microorganism. For physiochemical properties, the color of the juices after treated with HPP was has no change. In sensory properties, the HPP-treated juices showed a slight decrease of acidity, aroma and sweetness. Listed below is the example of study using high pressure processing process.
a) Fluid Milk Processing
Inactivation of microorganism Listeria monocytogens or Listeria innocua can be found naturally in a inoculated milk and high pressure processing method had promising an alternative in order to produce pasteurized milk (Gervilla.R, Capellas.M, Ferragur.V, & Guamis.B, 1997) . High pressure process treatment was carried out at 680 Mpa for 10min at room temperature and the reduction of the number of microorganisms are observed for 5 to 6 log cycle. Milk are subjected to a high pressure of 350 Mpa and it can increased the shelf life of the milk up to 25 days. (H.S, 1997) Raw milk are pressurized with a high pressure at 400 Mpa for 30 minutes at temperature of 25°C where it only contained less than 7 log psychrotrophs/ml after the milk are stored up to 45 days while the unpressurized milk contained more than 7 log psychrotrophs/ml after it been stored for 15 days. (Garcia-Risco, M.R, E, & R, 1998) An antimicrobial peptides such as lactoferricin can enhanced the inactivation of the microbial if the antimicrobial peptides (500) are combines with a high pressure within the range of 155Mpa to 400 Mpa. (B., R., & C.W, 2001) The present of both casein and lactose are the major protective agents for E.Coli during this milk treatment. The combination of high pressure and high temperature treatment will leads to the generation of the “cooked milk” flavour. (Vazquez, Qian, & Torres, 2007)
b) Yogurt
Yogurt that are produced by using high pressure treatment are less susceptible and undesirable to stored due to the changes in structures and the water binding capacuty of the milk. (Capellas & Needs, 2003) When the milk are treated with high pressure which is within the range of 100 Mpa to 400 Mpa and at the teperature in the range of 25°C to 90°C can reduce the ultimate the viscosity of the yogurt. (Udabage, dll., 2010) A high pressure treatment of yogurt where the pressure are in the range 200 Mpa to 300 Mpa for 10 minutes at the temperature in the range of 10°C to 20°C can decreasing the number of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and also change the structure and the texture of the yogurt since the high pressure treatment process can destroy the lactic acid bacteria (LAB). An extended shelf life of yogurt that also known as the “Probiotic Yogurt” has been developed thriugh high pressure treatment where the pressure in the range of 350 Mpa to 650 Mpa has been applied and at the temperature (10°C to 15°C). (Mandal & Kant, 2017) If the pressure applied for this type of treatment is 550 Mpa are applied it can help to maintained the desirable sensory characteristics of the yogurt in a longer period of time and it can be stored more than four weeks at the temperature of 4°C or at room temperature 20°C. (Jankowska, Reps, Proszek, & Krasowka, 2005)
c) Pineapple Juice
The inactivation of the Byssochlamys nivea in the pineapple juice involve high pressure treatment where the pressure applied during the treatment was in the range of 550 Mpa to 600 Mpa with a relatively mild temperature which is in the range of 20°C to 90°C. (Ferreira, Rosenthal, Calado, Saraiiva, & Mendo, 2009) The pineapple juice are applied to high pressure and within the range of temperature 20°C to 90°C for 3 to 8 minutes. Combining both high pressure and high thermal processing in a very high intensity can help to achive the formation of microorganisms spore inactivation in foods. The ascospores of Byssochlamys nivea can only be inactivated when the pressure a pplied is above 600 Mpa with the combination of the temperatures of 60°C. (Butz, Funtenberguer, Haberditzl, & Tauscher, 1996) In thisi study, the inactivation of the Byssochlamys nivea are increasing with temperature if the pressure applied are at 600 Mpa. In order to reduce the counts of the thermal resistant ascospores by 4 log cycles the treatments should be applied with the pressure of 800 Mpa at temperature of 50°C for 4 minutes or 900 Mpa of a pressure can be applied at the temperature of 50°C for 2 minutes. (Ferreira, Rosenthal, Calado, Saraiiva, & Mendo, 2009) has concluded that Byssochlamys nivea ascospores can be succeded inactivated if the treatment are done by 5.7 log cycles for the pineapple juice and by using the sequnces that involves a high pressure treatment where is up to 600 Mpa at the temperature of 80°C.
Butz, P., Funtenberguer, T., Haberditzl, T., & Tauscher, B. (1996). High pressure inactivation of Bysscohlamys nivea ascospores and other heat resistant molds. Lebensmittel Wissenschaftund Technologie, 404-410.
Capellas, M., & Needs, E. (2003). Physical properties of yogurt prepared from pressure treated concentrated or fortified milks. Milchwissenschaft, 46-48.
Ferreira, E., Rosenthal, A., Calado, A., Saraiiva, J., & Mendo, S. (2009). Byssochlamys nivea inactivation in pineapple juice and nectar using pressure cycles. Journal of Food Engineering, 664-669.
Garcia-Risco, M.R, C., E, C., & R, L. F. (1998). Microbiological and Chemical Changes in High Pressure Treated milk during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Protection, 735-737.
Gervilla.R, Capellas.M, Ferragur.V, & Guamis.B. (1997). Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on Listeria innocua 910 CECT inoculated into ewe's milk. Journal of Food Protection, 33-37.
H.S, M. D. (1997). Ultra High Pressure Pasteurization of Milk : Kinetics of Microbial Destruction and Changes in Physio-Chemical Characteristics . Food Science and Technology , 551-631.
Jankowska, A., Reps, A., Proszek, A., & Krasowka, M. (2005). Effect of high pressure on microflora and sensory characteristics of yogurt . Polish Journal of Food Nutrition and Science , 79-84.
Mandal, R., & Kant, R. (2017). High Pressure Processing and its Applications in the dairy industry. Food Science and Technology , 33-45.
Udabage, P., Augustin, M., Versteeg, C., Puvanenthiran, A., Yoo, J., Allen, N., . . . Kelly, A. (2010). Properties of low fat stirred yogurts made from high pressure processed skim milk . Innovative Food Science and Emerging Techniology , 701-704
Vazquez, P., Qian, M., & Torres, J. (2007). Kinetic analysis of volatile formation in milk subjected to pressure assisted thermal treatments. Journal of Food Science, 389-398.
Alpas, H. (2014). Effects of high pressure treatment on physicochemical characteristics of fresh sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax ). Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 5(October), 83–89.
Hugas, M., Garriga, M., & Monfort, J. M. (2002). New mild technologies in meat processing : high pressure as a model technology, 62, 359–371.
Yin-Hsuan Chang, Sz-Jie Wu, Bang-Yuan Chen, Hsiao-Wen Huang, C.-Y. W. (2017). Effect of high pressure processing and thermal pasteurization on overall quality parameters of white grape juice Author: Yin-Hsuan Chang. Journal of Science Food Agriculture, 97(10), 3166–3172.
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